Unlimited products.
Unlimited categories.
Unlimited category levels.
Title, Introduction, Description, Longer Description, Highlights and Teaser fields for product details.
Unlimited products.
Unlimited options and choices (variations) such as; colours, sizes, or add-on options.
Product bundling.
Select from different display styles for different pages.
Link products to 'more details' pages to provide unlimited information.
Link product to external information resources.
Link product to larger images, sound and video files.
Create option templates such as shoe sizes for quick option generation.
Cross promotions — promote similar or related products.
Automatic generation of picture thumbnail with link to larger image.
Add picture frames to product images to improve their looks.
Improved product slideshow with unlimited images.
Highlight products in link boxes.
Promote products on any page.
Stock control on product and option level (see Inventory).
Allow or disallow buying of out of stock products.
Temporarily hide products.
Disable buying function for products.
Base price support.
Select from different product display styles.
Link to shipping charges from each product (required by law in some countries).
List products in multiple categories.
Put products on special.
Various product discounts.
Product teaser promotion, such as; 'Bestseller.'
List of 'features' set-up on your products.